It was great to see the saints marching back into Saint Mark Church today for All Saints Day Mass! Continuing a long-standing tradition, each class adopted a saint, and at Mass one student dressed up as the saint, while the other read some brief facts. Our students and teachers did a wonderful job, and we’re thankful for Father Bob for joining us at Mass.
As Father Bob said, we are all called to sainthood!
This year, our classes chose the following saints:
Kindergarten A adopted St. Rose of Lima
Kindergarten B adopted St. Anthony of Padua
Grade 1A adopted St. Cecilia
Grade 1B adopted St. Catherine of Sienna
Grade 2A adopted St. Nicholas
Grade 2B adopted St. Teresa of Calcutta
Grade 3A adopted St. Therese of Lisieux
Grade 3B adopted St. Lucy
Grade 4 adopted St. Mark
Grade 5 adopted St. Joseph of Cupertino
Grade 6 adopted St. Francis of Assisi
Grade 7 adopted St. Joseph
Grade 8 adopted St. Raphael